
Explorer Service

Comprehensive research & planning tools for those exploring a move to Costa Rica.

Our Process

Free Introduction

We want to make sure moving to Costa Rica is right for you.  We have been in your shoes and know how hard it is to take that first step. So we make it easy:

Introductory Conversation

We start with a free 20-minute online conversation with our team, where we hear about your dreams, your fears, what excites you, and what freaks you out in considering a move (even part-time) to Costa Rica. This is a time just to get to know where you are in the process and explain Your Pura Vida’s Explorer Service.

Personal Costa Rica Survey

Next, you’ll complete a deep-dive survey of all areas of your possible life in Costa Rica. Questions like: What is your diet? What is your heat tolerance? What hobbies are important to you? What is your preferred cost of living? Is this a “now” idea or something for the future? (and so much more!) Your answers help us prepare your personal snapshot – the start of your comprehensive roadmap.

Your Summary

We'll send you a free personal snapshot – a topline summary of our findings. This will give you a high-level understanding of where you are today and the basic ideas for your next steps.

Paid Full-Service Access

The real power of our program is the data and in-depth exploration of the various options that fit you and your family. You may think you want the beach, but we help you figure out if that fits the lifestyle that is important to you — because oftentimes dream and reality are not the same thing. We help you avoid making the wrong choice, and give you the confidence and tools to make your move and join us in paradise! Here’s what your roadmap includes:

Customized Guide: YOUR Costa Rica

We'll prepare for you a comprehensive guide to Costa Rica using your survey, including the broad strokes, options for visas, the regions you may find most interesting, and a narrower focus on the towns that fit your goals, personality, budget, and lifestyle.

But more than just a geographic understanding, we will focus on gathering info and connections: real estate, options on schools, houses of worship, hobbies, shopping, banking, healthcare – you name it.

Scouting Trips: Itineraries & Introductions

We would never advise taking the plunge without first testing the waters, so we help you by developing itineraries, information packets, and introductions for upcoming scouting trips to Costa Rica. Each of our experts took many trips before we committed to the country, and we are here to make sure that you spend your time truly getting to know and experience the country far beyond life as a tourist.

Relocation & Move Planning

Making the decision to move is the easy part. Now you need to make it happen. We help you take the daunting out of the process. From shipping to pets, cars to furniture — we help you through the process with the right contacts and information at the right time. We won’t bombard you upfront and overwhelm you. We give you a personalized checklist and support to make this process as easy and comfortable as possible.

person sitting on seashore near surfboard in front sea

Expert Support

Throughout the entire process our team is available to speak with you during four online meetings as you move through the process. Whether you have a concern you want to talk through or questions on something you’ve read online, we help you move from first thoughts, through the process, to your final destination. (If you want to talk more, we're available as needed for an extra fee.)

Membership Included

If it’s not clear by now, we don’t just want you to move, we want you to thrive in Costa Rica. Once you’ve relocated (even part-time), we provide three months of Your Pura Vida Plus membership to make the transition seamless.

“No cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten.”

(Don’t count your days, make your days count.)

Ready to make your dreams come true?

Let’s start by setting up your free introductory call!

Why Your Pura Vida?

We've Been There

We’re expats in Costa Rica. We know what it’s like to dream of moving here but not know how to make it happen.

We Tailor to You

We’re working for your best interests, not trying to sell you a house. We offer an impartial, customized and comprehensive roadmap.

We're Well Connected

Our network spans Costa Rica. We are committed to connecting you with key resources that fit your needs. 

We Don't Sugar Coat

Life won’t be instantly perfect once you move. We’ll give you both the benefits and the challenges, so you can make informed decisions.

We're Fun

This process should be about dreaming of what life could be like. We’ll make it fun, along with giving you the serious points you need to consider.

We're Here After the Move

Our monthly membership service kicks in after you make the move, so you’ll be supported on-the-ground for the challenges Costa Rica throws at you.

Still have questions?

Fill out this form or email us at hola@yourpuravida.com and we’ll get right back to you.

General Contact