Explorer Onboarding

Welcome to Your Pura Vida’s Explorer Program! Our personal survey is based on our experience moving to Costa Rica, extensive research, and discussions with successful and unsuccessful expats. Our goal is to help you understand all that is important to you and determine if Costa Rica is the right fit for your life. We want to provide a realistic picture, not an idealized vacation version.

No answer in this survey is wrong. Research shows that answering challenging questions is the best way to move forward with confidence. Even if you’re just starting, you may be surprised how many questions you can easily answer.

Please note:

  • Several questions are asked more than once. We do this as each is in a different context and your answers may change.
  • If at any time you do not feel comfortable answering a question just move to the next.  The more you answer, the better we can understand your situation. 
  • All of these answers are private and confidential. No information is shared or used for any other purpose. If you’d like to convey sensitive information over the phone, please let us know.

Our focus is to help you discover what would make a move to Costa Rica the right next move for you. Ready to start? Hit next.

Let’s start with the basics

Tell us about yourself

Tell us about your family

Let’s talk about your work

Tell us about your internet needs

What percentage of your day is spent on…

Now let’s talk about your dream of moving abroad

Now let’s talk specifically about Costa Rica

Let’s dig in a little bit more about you and what makes you tick personally

Let’s dig in a little bit more about you and what makes you tick in your environment

Let’s dig in a little bit more about you and what makes you tick in your daily life

Now let’s talk about life specific to Costa Rica

ImportantNeutralNot Important
Distance to the grocery store and shopping
Distance to medical care
Distance to school
Distance to airport
Distance to work
Distance to beach
Distance to mountains
Distance to friends
ImportantNeutralNot Important
Driving locally
Driving throughout the country
Exploring new places
Working Out
Dining Out
Joining a Club or Organization
Theater/Cultural Events
Local Culture
English-language activities
Local Immersion
Biking (mountain)
Biking (road)
Kayaking (ocean)
Kayaking (river/lake)
Fishing (freshwater)
Fishing (salt water)
Spiritual Retreats
City life
Rural life
Suburban life
Religion/House of Worship

And finally, let’s talk about details specific to moving.

Congrats! You’ve taken the first step to see if Costa Rica is the right fit for you. We will review and email you a general summary of where to begin your research.

If you’re interested in digging further, our team is ready to dive into all the areas that are important to you and your family, and help you discover your Costa Rica – not just beach vs. city vs. mountains and broad regions, we help you identify the perfect vibe, the right city, neighborhoods that give you the best sense of community, schools that might be the perfect fit, shopping, and dining suggestions that seem to fit your personality, and so much more!  And introduce you to key contacts along the way. Our focus is to help you discover what would make a move to Costa Rica the right next move for you.

We'd love to talk!

City Lead

We won't sell your information to anyone, promise! Pura vida!